Dans835 Videos


'Domine Deus' from Petite messe solennelle – Dutch National Opera

In case you want to support our house and the artists through these uncertain times you can make a donation via this link: http://bit.ly/donation-nob A wonderful performance of the aria ‘Domine Deus’ from our stream of Petite messe solennelle. Long after he had bid farewell to his successful opera career, Gioacchino Rossini wrote his Petite […]

Music Sessions OFF – Nienke Nasserian Nillesen – Dutch National Opera

In case you want to support our house and the artists through these uncertain times you can make a donation via this link: http://bit.ly/donation-nob Enjoy this beautiful music session by mezzo-soprano Nienke Nasserian Nillesen. Together with Ben van Daal and Demos Horn, with whom she has already made three music theatre productions, Nienke Nasserian Nillesen […]

Johannes Brahms' Ein deutsches Requiem – Dutch National Opera

In case you want to support our house and the artists through these uncertain times you can make a donation via this link: http://bit.ly/donation-nob Enjoy the opening scene from Ein deutsches Requiem performed by the Chorus of Dutch National Opera! ‘Happy are the sorrowful, for they shall be comforted.’ These are the opening words of […]