Dans835 Videos


Giselle White Act (performance clip) – Dutch National Ballet

In case you want to support our house and the artists through these uncertain times you can make a donation via this link: http://bit.ly/donation-nob Giselle is one of the earliest ballets and still popular around the globe. With its lively, colourful opening act, gripping Mad Scene and ensuing unearthly pure White Act, the ballet has […]

New Moves ‘Sonder’ by Claire Tjoe-Fat and Philippe Magdelijns – Dutch National Ballet

In case you want to support our house and the artists through these uncertain times you can make a donation via this link: http://bit.ly/donation-nob ‘Sonder’ is the profound realization that everyone, including strangers passed on the street, has a life that is just as complex as your own. In their dance video Sonder, Claire Tjoe- Fat and Philippe Magdelijns explore this careless encounter of passers-by, who can either […]