Dans835 Videos


'In Conversation with Emily Wilcox' (William and Mary, USA)

The sixth event in our Guest Lecture Series 21-22 featured invited speaker Emily Wilcox, Associate Professor in Chinese Studies (William and Mary, USA). In conversation with Dr Kathrina Farrugia-Kriel on Wednesday 11 May, Wilcox discussed her book Revolutionary Bodies: Chinese Dance and the Socialist Legacy, published in 2018 by the University of California Press and […]

ANDERSON .PAAK ft. Rick Ross – CUT EM IN | Ballet “Frank Bridge Variations” by Hans Van Manen

EDITD excerpts from Hans van Manen’s ballet “Frank Bridge Variations” performed by the Dutch (Het) Nationale Ballet (the best ballet in the world!). Dancers featured in the excerpts: Remi Wortmeyer (seriously, he borders on TOO good), Floor Eimers (love her!) & Sem Sjouke, Pascalle Paerel & Cristiano Principato, and Laura Rosillo & Daniel Montero Real. […]

Countertenor Jake Ingbar sings Lusinghiera mia speranza (Agrippina) | Dutch National Opera Studio

In this excerpt you see countertenor Jake Ingbar, accompanied on the piano by répétiteur Daniel Ruiz de Cenzano Caballero. He is performing an aria from the upcoming opera Agrippina. Dutch National Opera Studio programme is a two-year traineeship for singers and répétiteurs, which aims to prepare young talent for an international opera career. The Opera […]

Trailer Hans van Manen Variations – Dutch National Ballet

SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB On February 27 and 28, Dutch National Ballet presents an online stream of six jewels from the rich and varied oeuvre of the Netherlands’ most famous choreographer: Hans van Manen. Programme: Adagio Hammerklavier Sarcasmen Trois gnossiennes Déjà vu Two Pieces for HET Variations for two […]