Dans834 Videos


Aria Doctor Atomic – Dutch National Opera

In this touching scene from Doctor Atomic, you see Gerald Finley performing the role of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the inventor of the atomic bomb. The text comes from a poem (Holy Sonnet XIV) by John Donne (1572-1631) Want to see the full opera? You can watch this opera by John Adams on our YouTube channel […]

Terzet from Der Rosenkavalier | Dutch National Opera

Get swept away by the trio at the end of the third act of Strauss’ Der Rosenkavalier! “The cast is excellent, with Maria Bengtsson as an increasingly noble-sounding Marschallin and Nina Minasyan as an all-inclusive Sophie. Angela Brower is convincing in pants role Octavian.” – NRC “Viotti makes the orchestra sparkle and shine wonderfully in […]

Trailer of Operetta Land by Steef de Jong & Paulien Cornelisse | Dutch National Opera

Operetta Land doesn’t exist. It’s an imaginary place, with imaginary people, who have imaginary adventures and burst into song at every turn. And yet, once you have set foot in Operetta Land, you’ll never want to leave. Come see for yourself if you don’t believe us… Website: https://www.operaballet.nl/en/dutch-national-opera/2022-2023/operetta-land Concept and performance Steef de Jong Text […]