Global Citizen


Natasha Bedingfield Performs ‘Unwritten’ | Global Citizen Prize 2023

Singer-songwriter Natasha Bedingfield performs the iconic “Unwritten” during the 2023 Global Citizen Prize ceremony, honoring trailblazing activists who are profoundly impacting their communities in the mission to end extreme poverty, on April 27, 2023. _____________________________________________________________________ Global Citizen is a social action platform for a global generation that aims to solve the world’s biggest challenges. On […]

“Where you live should not determine IF you live” | Hugh Jackman

“Where you live should not determine IF you live.” Hugh Jackman helped announce the Power Our Planet campaign at our recent Global Citizen NOW event by highlighting how the most vulnerable countries are often hit hardest by climate change. Check out the full announcement on our channel: _____________________________________________________________________ Global Citizen is a social action […]

Pinky Cole, Peter McGuinness, Maggie Baird & Daniel Humm Talk Plant-Based Food | Global Citizen NOW

Restaurateur, author, and philanthropist Pinky Cole joins Impossible Foods President & CEO Peter McGuinness, Maggie Baird, Founder and President of Support + Feed, and Daniel Humm, Chef and Owner, Eleven Madison Park and Eleven Madison Home, for a discussion on how plant-based food is becoming more mainstream, and why it’s so effective in fighting poverty […]

Mia Mottley, Hugh Jackman & Hugh Evans Announce Power Our Planet Campaign | Global Citizen NOW

Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Mottley, Global Citizen Ambassador Hugh Jackman, and Global Citizen CEO & Co-Founder Hugh Evans announce Global Citizen’s Power Our Planet campaign at Global Citizen NOW on April 27, 2023. The Power Our Planet campaign is a rallying cry to world leaders, multilateral development banks, philanthropists, and private sector leaders to […]

“The power really lies in the hands of young people” | NY AG Letitia James

Young people are behind so many movements in this world. And NY State Attorney General Letitia James reminded us of just that at last week’s Global Citizen NOW event. _____________________________________________________________________ Global Citizen is a social action platform for a global generation that aims to solve the world’s biggest challenges. On our platform, you can learn […]

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Importance of Gender Equality

How do we create a better world? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave his answer at #GlobalCitizenNOW – including why he thinks women need to be at the center of any solutions we develop. See what he had to say during his discussion with Lisa LaFlamme and Jacqueline O’Neill about the importance of gender equality. _____________________________________________________________________ […]