The deconstruction of the anatomy of culture and leadership in ballet – Positioning Ballet 2019

“Let’s imagine what ballet might look like if dancers had agency, and were expected to think critically, to question criteria and standards, and were asked to participate in finding solutions to problems in the system.” Theresa Ruth Howard during Positioning Ballet 2019

After posting a registration of this eloquent, honest, and enlightening keynote given by Theresa Ruth Howard during the conference Positioning Ballet in 2019, certain people felt inclined to post hate speech and racist comments below the video. Dutch National Ballet rejects and disapproves of these comments.

Dutch National Ballet is for everyone. Art is for everyone. Dutch National Ballet consists of a colorful ensemble of artists from 30 different countries. This diversity within the ensemble and the wide-ranging repertoire define the strength of our company.

Dutch National Ballet does not discriminate or make distinctions based on religion, skin color, sexual orientation, cultural or social background – not with our audience nor with our dancers. The only thing that matters for dancers is talent. The only thing that we ask from our audience is to open their minds to beauty, creativity, and new perspectives and that they show respect. Respect for our dancers, choreographers, musicians, designers, and other employees – and for each other.

Ballet has its historic roots in the aristocratic courts of Western Europe, but has, as Theresa also mentions in her keynote, since then spread all over the world and evolved into a universal art form. It is expressed in many shapes and forms.

Ballet is about working together, forming an ensemble and creating and experiencing the magic of together for as broad an audience as possible.

We believe dialogue is key, but because a majority of the comments below this video had a polarizing effect rather than connecting people, we have turned off the option to post comments.

Theresa Ruth Howard is a former ballerina and founder of the Memoirs of Blacks in Ballet. During the conference Positioning Ballet in 2019, hosted by Dutch National Ballet, Theresa gave a keynote about ‘The deconstruction of the anatomy of culture and leadership in ballet’. The keynote is a sharp and poignant analysis of ballet culture and hierarchy. She asks in what way the culture defends its artists and explores how real change can be achieved.

Theresa Ruth Howard is a pioneer in the field of diversity in ballet and we are very happy to have been collaborating with her since 2017. This season she will continue to be a key partner in the further development of Dutch National Opera & Ballet’s more inclusive culture.

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Dutch National Opera & Ballet (Amsterdam) creates, produces and presents both traditional and innovative opera and ballet productions of the highest quality.


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