LANA DEL REY – CINNAMON GIRL | Megan Zimny Kaftira & Remi Wortmeyer Ballet Duet | Hans Van Manen

Edit of the pas de deux from the ballet “Corps” by Hans Van Manen performed by Megan Zimny Kaftira & Remi Wortmeyer with the Dutch Nationale Ballet (a.k.a. HET Ballet—the greatest Ballet the world-over!).
I edited the video & changed the music to the song “Cinnamon Girl” by Lana Del Rey.

I love this piece, and Megan personifies Lana’s sweet voice with her physical beauty & graceful movements. When I watch her dance, my eyes are always drawn to her hands. I don’t know how to explain why they are so mesmerizing. You just have to see for yourself! Oh—and don’t even get me started on Mr. Wortmeyer…. It was his choreography & performance of “Penumbra” that inspired my love of ballet. He is a master, and his performance is perfect (as always).

***I can’t stress enough how important it is to watch the ACTUAL work of art! My video is just an edit and could never do justice to the artwork’s true beauty! SO PLEASE watch the REAL, unedited performance on Megan Zimny Kaftira’s channel by clicking here!!! —

*****AND! Please check out the Dutch Nationale Ballet’s YouTube channel & subscribe! —
They are, in my humble opinion, the best ballet company the world over, and home to Miss Anna Ol (the greatest ballerina on earth…no big deal), along with scores of the best dancers the world has to offer. They are incredibly generous and upload a ton of long ballet clips, as well as FULL ballet performances and dance films (yes, you read that correctly)!
**I thank the Dutch Nationale Ballet for giving us poor souls, who could never watch your beautiful productions in person, access to them virtually—and free of charge!

*****PLEASE consider donating to the Dutch Nationale Ballet! I am sure that the SARS-CoV-2 situation hit them hard, and they could use our support. Let us all show them our sincere gratitude! 🙂
*****Visit their website for more information on tickets for upcoming performances (which you can livestream from home) & other ways to support this beacon of beauty to the world! 🙂
*****And if you are interested in making a one-time donation, here is a direct link to make it easy for ya! —


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