Contemplating life and death – Documentary 9 – Mahler Festival Online

In his Ninth Symphony Mahler seems to take us through all the stages of mourning: denial and disbelief, anger, negotiating, grief and – finally – resignation in one of the most impressive adagio’s he wrote. Mahler scholar Anna Stoll Knecht: “Mahler’s music has this amazing dimension of alway wanting to go upwards. So it’s never only about us on earth, it’s about us wanting to know more about the meaning in life.”

A story told by Mahler scholars Anna Stoll Knecht and Morten Solvik, conductors Jaap van Zweden and Susanna Mälkki and granddaughter Marina Mahler.

This documentary is made possible by the Mahler Foundation and is part of Mahler Festival Online. The documentary will premiere this Saturday at 8 PM. After the documentary you can enjoy Symphony No. 9, played by the Concertgebouworkest, conducted by Bernard Haitink


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