DroneBot Workshop138 Videos


ESP32 Sound – Working with I2S

Build an Internet Radio, an MP3 Player, and display microphone waveforms with an ESP32 and some I2S peripherals. Learn to use the I2S sound protocol with the ESP32. Article with code: https://dronebotworkshop.comesp32-i2s More articles and tutorials: https://dronebotworkshop.com Join the conversation on the forum: https://forum.dronebotworkshop.com Subscribe to the newsletter and stay in touch: https://dronebotworkshop.com/subscribe/ You might […]

Arduino IoT Cloud 2021 – Getting Started with Arduino & ESP32

Learn to use Arduino’s and ESP32 with the updated Arduino IoT Cloud. Article with code: https://dronebotworkshop.com/arduino-iot-cloud More articles and tutorials: https://dronebotworkshop.com Join the conversation on the forum: https://forum.dronebotworkshop.com Subscribe to the newsletter and stay in touch: https://dronebotworkshop.com/subscribe/ Talk on the forum about this video: https://forum.dronebotworkshop.com/2021/arduino-iot-cloud-2021-getting-started-with-arduino-esp32/ The Internet of Things (IoT) can add a lot of […]

Raspberry Pi GPIO – Getting Started with gpiozero

Learn to use the Raspberry Pi GPIO connector and the gpiozero library to interface with an LED and some switches. We’ll even make a very simple camera and have our Pi take a selfie! Article with code samples: https://dbot.ws/rpgpio More articles and tutorials: https://dronebotworkshop.com Join the conversation on the forum: https://forum.dronebotworkshop.com Subscribe to the newsletter […]

Raspberry Pi Remote Camera with motionEyeOS – Build a Surveillance System

Detailed article for this video at https://dbot.ws/motioneyeos More tutorials and projects at https://dronebotworkshop.com Stay Informed! Join the DroneBotWorkshop Newsletter at https://dbot.ws/dbnews Today we are going to put together a very sophisticated motion-sensitive surveillance system using a Raspberry PI (any Raspberry Pi) and a free open-source product called motionEyeOS. Our cameras will have the following features: […]

ESP32 Guide 2024 | Choosing and Using an ESP32 Board

The ESP32 family has grown considerably since its introduction in 2016. We’ll look at every ESP32 series and see how they compare. We’ll also check out a few development boards that might belong in YOUR workshop. Article with code: https://dronebotworkshop.com/esp32-2024/ More articles and tutorials: https://dronebotworkshop.com Join the conversation on the forum: https://forum.dronebotworkshop.com Subscribe to the […]

Build an Electronic Level with MPU-6050 and Arduino

Today we will be working with the MPU-6050 IMU, and we will use it to build an electronic level with an Arduino. Article with libraries and code – https://dbot.ws/mpu6050 More tutorials and projects at https://dronebotworkshop.com Tell me what YOU want to see me create! Sign up for the newsletter at https://dbot.ws/dbnews and have your say! […]