Royal Academy of Dance257 Videos


'In Conversation with Professor Emerita Lynn Garafola' (Barnard College, retired)

The final event in our Guest Lecture Series 21-22 featured invited speaker Professor Emerita Lynn Garafola. In conversation with Dr Kathrina Farrugia-Kriel on Wednesday 8 June, Garafola discussed her new book, La Nijinska: Choreographer of the Modern, published in 2022 by Oxford University Press. In this much awaited book, Garafola highlights the twentieth-century ballet’s premier […]

RAD New Global Headquarters Digital Tour

Created as a new international home for dance, the new building in Battersea will enable the RAD to expand on its 100-year commitment to high-quality dance education and to bring the transformational power of dance to more people, regardless of age, ability, or location. Step inside our new building on this digital tour. #HomeForDance #ProudToBeRAD […]

RAD Community Open Day 2022

On Sunday 8 May we threw open our doors to our neighbourhood and welcomed over 600 Wandsworth residents to our new building. The sun shone and the fun started outside with four groups of young musicians from the World Heartbeat Music Academy playing relaxed and funky music to draw people in. Inside, over 450 people […]

Winner of the MadeBy Stage 2 competition

The winner of the RAD’s MadeBy Stage 2 competition is Monique Mangano from Brisbane, Queensland and her piece is performed by dancer, Emilia Bignami. Find out more about MadeBy, the composition to choreographic initiative developed by the RAD team in Australia with music licensing body OneMusic Australia: Choreographer’s Notes: After listening and reading the […]