Dans835 Videos


Die ersten Menschen – Dutch National Opera

Die ersten Menschen tells the story of the first family in the biblical history of mankind: Adahm and Chawa and their sons Kajin and Chabel. Chawa – better known as Eve – has sexual desires for her husband Adahm, only he’s not very interested… This production with François-Xavier Roth conducting the Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest and directed by […]

Lied von der blutenden Orange by Clay Hilley – Der Zwerg – Dutch National Opera

In this aria you can hear the song of Der Zwerg, sung by tenor Clay Hilley. He sings for the Spanish crown princess, with whom he has fallen madly in love. With his beautiful voice, he manages to move everyone. Chief conductor Lorenzo Viotti conducts the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra and Nanouk Leopold directs. https://nationale.operaballet.nl/der-zwerg-en SUBSCRIBE […]

Music Sessions OFF – Dywel Braaf – Dutch National Opera

In case you want to support our house and the artists through these uncertain times you can make a donation via this link: http://bit.ly/donation-nob Dywel is a very driven and passionate concert pianist, born and raised in the Bijlmer. To him, music is a means of expressing his feelings where words fail. And that is […]

'Generation Dance' opens the season brilliantly | Dutch National Ballet

It’s time for the first ballet production of the season. In Generation Dance, you will discover the possibilities of dance and the exciting differences in which stories can be told. One evening, four pieces, four generations of choreographers. This is a performance you can’t miss out on! Classical Symphony Choreography – Ted Brandsen Music – Sergei Prokofiev Persephone (world […]

The deconstruction of the anatomy of culture and leadership in ballet – Positioning Ballet 2019

“Let’s imagine what ballet might look like if dancers had agency, and were expected to think critically, to question criteria and standards, and were asked to participate in finding solutions to problems in the system.” Theresa Ruth Howard during Positioning Ballet 2019 After posting a registration of this eloquent, honest, and enlightening keynote given by […]