Dans834 Videos


Soprano Marina Rebeka about Anna Bolena | Dutch National Opera

Based on the life of Anne Boleyn, mother of Queen Elizabeth I, Anna Bolena is an opera about power, passion, honour and vulnerability during turbulent times, with deadly consequences. It marked as one of the most impressive moments in the career of the bel canto composer Donizetti. With his magnificent, melodious music, he transformed historical […]

New Moves 2022 [New choreographic talent] | Dutch National Ballet

New creations are the ‘lifeblood’ of every dance company, in the opinion of Ted Brandsen, director of Dutch National Ballet. So since he took the helm in 2003, the company has organised New Moves, an annual event in which dancers of Dutch National Ballet can develop and present their choreographic talents. Due to the corona […]

(Pas de Deux) – Peter Leung – Shooting Stars | Dutch National Ballet

Peter Leung likes to blur boundaries. His work as a choreographer and stage director, integrates many artistic disciplines, ensuring these boundaries barely perceptible. However, as a trained classical dancer, he has repeatedly come up against one boundary that appears to be very firmly entrenched: the strict gender roles upheld in the classical ballet scene. Leung […]

Dazzling creations by the Junior Company | Dutch National Ballet

Every year, the most talented of over 700 applications from young dancers all over the world are selected to join Dutch National Ballet’s Junior Company. This season, the ensemble is touring the Dutch theatres with Shooting Stars, a programme that explores the boundaries of classical ballet and presents exciting, contemporary choreographies for and by young […]

Te Deum from Puccini's TOSCA by Gevorg Hakobyan | Dutch National Opera

The finale of the first act of Tosca: Te Deum! While a mass by the magnificent Chorus of Dutch National Opera takes place in the background, Scarpia (sung by baritone Gevorg Hakobyan) hallucinates about his victory in various fields. And for those who wonder who made the painting… That is set designer Rufus Didwiszus. He […]