Dans834 Videos


Aria from Mefistofele – FAUST [working title]

Although FAUST [working title] is completely sold out, this video gives you an impression of the magic of the performance. SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB This moving aria, ‘L’altra notte in fondo al mare’, originally comes from Arrigo Boito’s opera Mefistofele, and can be heard here in a recomposition by […]

Dazzling creations by the Junior Company | Dutch National Ballet

Every year, the most talented of over 700 applications from young dancers all over the world are selected to join Dutch National Ballet’s Junior Company. This season, the ensemble is touring the Dutch theatres with Shooting Stars, a programme that explores the boundaries of classical ballet and presents exciting, contemporary choreographies for and by young […]