Dans834 Videos


Die ersten Menschen – Dutch National Opera

Die ersten Menschen tells the story of the first family in the biblical history of mankind: Adahm and Chawa and their sons Kajin and Chabel. Chawa – better known as Eve – has sexual desires for her husband Adahm, only he’s not very interested… This production with François-Xavier Roth conducting the Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest and directed by […]

Director Jetske Mijnssen about Donizett’s Maria Stuarda [behind the scenes] | Dutch National Opera

The fatal conflict between two historical queens. Although, historically speaking, Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart never actually met, a potential encounter between the two has formed the stuff of fantasy for writers, painters and composers over the centuries. Donizetti wrote an unparalleled confrontation scene for the two to go head to head in! Maria Stuarda […]

Director Jetske Mijnssen about Donizetti's Anna Bolena | Dutch National Opera

Director Jetske Mijnssen – one of the Netherlands’ internationally acclaimed opera directors – makes her debut with Anna Bolena at Dutch National Opera. In this video, she talks about Donizetti’s famous aria ‘Al dolce guidami’ and she talks you through the harrowing final scene of the performance of Anna Bolena. https://nationale.operaballet.nl/anna-bolena-yt SUBSCRIBE to our channel […]