Dans834 Videos


Opera Warm-up with Christina Aguilera – Dutch National Opera

It’s weekend again and that means it’s time for a new vocal warm-up with Cameron Shahbazi, Associate Artist of the Dutch National Opera Studio! This week, Cameron helps you to warm up something special, your heart. In these challenging times we can all use some positivity. “As a performer, as a musician, as a human […]
Online Ballet Barre 6 with Dutch National Ballet

Online Ballet Barre 6 with Dutch National Ballet

In this intense and difficult times it’s important stay safe, but also to stay in shape! Therefore we’ve developed a few ‘ballet classes’ for our dancers, but you can join from your living room as well. Ernst Meisner, artistic coordinator of the Junior Company, teaches this barre and pianist Rex Lobo accompanies him on the […]

(Pas de Deux) – Peter Leung – Shooting Stars | Dutch National Ballet

Peter Leung likes to blur boundaries. His work as a choreographer and stage director, integrates many artistic disciplines, ensuring these boundaries barely perceptible. However, as a trained classical dancer, he has repeatedly come up against one boundary that appears to be very firmly entrenched: the strict gender roles upheld in the classical ballet scene. Leung […]

Hans van Manen Festival [programme I] | Dutch National Ballet

SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB Programme I of the Hans van Manen Festival. Choreographies: Metaforen, Sarcasmen, Frank Bridge Variations, Grosse Fuge (all danced by Dutch National Ballet) What a fantastic kick-off of the Hans van Manen Festival! Until 29 June, 19 of Hans van Manen’s groundbreaking pieces will be danced […]