Dans834 Videos


Ballet fragment Princess Florine and Blue Bird [The Sleeping Beauty] | Dutch National Ballet

Full of demanding variations and brilliant pointe work, The Sleeping Beauty requires flawless technique. In this fragment you see Princess Florine and the Blue Bird dancing at the wedding party of Princess Aurora and Prince Florimund. Princess Florine: Riho Sakamoto Blue Bird: Sho Yamada SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB Are you […]

Behind the scenes at the opera Blue | Dutch National Opera

In Harlem, a black couple anticipates the birth of its first-born son, with both hope and anxiety. The mother worries about her son’s future as she watches him become a young man and enter the world of activism. Meanwhile, the father tries to open his son’s eyes to the realities of 21st century America, whilst […]

Matrix Fitness X Dutch National Ballet

Ballet is sports at the highest level! SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB Every performance, the dancers of Dutch National Ballet give everything they’ve got. And to be able to do so, they do not only go to ballet classes and rehearsals, but also train in the gym every day to […]