Dans834 Videos


Trailer of Operetta Land by Steef de Jong & Paulien Cornelisse | Dutch National Opera

Operetta Land doesn’t exist. It’s an imaginary place, with imaginary people, who have imaginary adventures and burst into song at every turn. And yet, once you have set foot in Operetta Land, you’ll never want to leave. Come see for yourself if you don’t believe us… Website: https://www.operaballet.nl/en/dutch-national-opera/2022-2023/operetta-land Concept and performance Steef de Jong Text […]

Pas de deux Passing Shadows (Performance clip) – Dutch National Ballet

Passing Shadows is a pas de deux created by Remi Wörtmeyer, principal at our company. SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB Remi: ‘’Passing Shadows is a piece I created for the HNB New Moves program. The choreography and title describe the shadows that pass through our relationships. The imprints of our […]