Dans834 Videos


Aria from Mefistofele – FAUST [working title]

Although FAUST [working title] is completely sold out, this video gives you an impression of the magic of the performance. SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB This moving aria, ‘L’altra notte in fondo al mare’, originally comes from Arrigo Boito’s opera Mefistofele, and can be heard here in a recomposition by […]

Aria Petite Messe Solennelle (Agnus Dei) – Dutch National Opera

Listen to wonderful mezzo-soprano Katia Ledoux in Petite messe solennelle SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB “Wonderful music, wonderful performance … Already after the opening bars, you’re hooked” – Het Parool We received lots of lovely messages about Petite messe solennelle, which had its online premiere last Sunday. You can still […]

Aria Roméo et Juliette – Dutch National Opera

This is the ultimate love tragedy. The forbidden love between Roméo (Ismael Jordi) and Juliette (Lyubov Petrova) also has a tragic ending in this opera. Want to see the full opera? You can watch Charles Gounod’s opera on our YouTube channel up until Sunday June 7th. Check it out. https://bit.ly/opera-stream SUBSCRIBE to our channel for […]

Aria un soave non so che – La Cenerentola – Dutch National Opera

SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB The exuberant fairy tale opera La Cenerentola (Cinderella) directed by Laurent Pelly, follows Angelina – Rossini’s Cinderella – as she discovers true love in the form of her prince. This love duet, called: un soave non so che and led by Daniele Rustioni, is all […]

Ashton's Choreography | Zoom in on The Fonteyn

The work of Sir Frederick Ashton has long been a feature in the repertoire list of the Genée competition, now named The Fonteyn. His distinctive choreographic style helped define English classical ballet and as such is an important part of our dance heritage. In this video, Sir Anthony Dowell (Former Director, The Royal Ballet) and […]