Dans834 Videos


Lorenzo Viotti about Puccini's masterpiece Tosca | Dutch National Opera

Bloodcurdling opera noir. The life of temperamental singer Floria Tosca is one big jumble of love, lust and political intrigue. When her lover is imprisoned by the sadistic chief of police Scarpia, Tosca takes fate into her own hands with horrifying consequences. Chief conductor Lorenzo Viotti and director Barrie Kosky launch a three-year Puccini cycle […]

The Sleeping Beauty by Sir Peter Wright (performance clip) | Dutch National Ballet

Sir Peter Wright’s The Sleeping Beauty has been the jewel in the crown of Dutch National Ballet’s repertoire for over forty years. The demanding variations, brilliant pointe work and pure classical technique make this nineteenth-century fairy-tale ballet the ultimate touchstone for ballet dancers all over the world today. Choreography – Marius Petipa Production and direction […]

Helena Rasker about the opera Animal Farm [trailer] | Dutch National Opera

George Orwell wrote Animal Farm as a contemporaneous cautionary parable, highlighting how easy it was for the Russian revolution to degenerate into Stalin’s violent dictatorship. The warning in Orwell’s political satire remains relevant today. “All animals are equal but some are more equal than others” – the world news keeps offering up subtle variations on […]

a professional dancer’s warm-up

Luiza Bertho shares here warm-up routine with you. Transform your living room to a gym and hop on your mat. Luiza explains her favourite moves to you and what exercises are important for a dancer to use. SUBSCRIBE to our channel get notified when new videos are posted: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB In love with BALLET? Check out: […]