Ready for change | Royal Academy of Dance

The international impact of the Black Lives Matter movement insists that change is overdue.

We have known for many years about the issues around race and ballet, which is still so often a white preserve. But this tumultuous year – where established ways of working were paused by a pandemic, and the murder of George Floyd reignited the Black Lives Matter movement – offers an opportunity to reflect, rethink and maybe even reset how ballet operates. We invited three remarkable artists to share their experience and insight in a discussion over Zoom with David Jays, Editor of Dance Gazette magazine.

Theresa Ruth Howard danced with Dance Theatre of Harlem (DTH), and is now a writer, strategist and consultant based in New York. Chyrstyn Mariah Fentroy also performed
with Dance Theatre of Harlem and is now a soloist with Boston Ballet. Joshua Tuifua, from the UK, danced with the Royal Ballet and is now a dance teacher. He co-created the RAD’s Moving Summer programme.



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