
Trailer Live – Hans van Manen

Van Manen created more than 125 ballets so far and Live is without a doubt the most legendary. Because of its great success, we have added an extra performance! SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB Do you want to be there? Get your ticket now for Tuesday the 22nd of September. […]

Trailer Dancing Apart Together – Dutch National Ballet

This unique multiple bill has officially opened the new season of Dutch National Ballet. SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB THE PROGRAMME From established names to young creators, from modern classics to brand-new new works. On the programme of Dancing Apart Together are: Ted Brandsen – Romanian Folk Dances, Kaddish, Frolicsome […]

Naar Mancora – Johan Fretz

Dit wil jij lezen! In ‘Naar Mancora’ van Johan Fretz wordt Benji verliefd en krijgt de opdracht zijn doodsangst in de ogen te kijken. Haal 3PAK nu gratis op bij jouw boekhandel of bibliotheek. Ga voor meer boekentips naar https://www.boekenweekvoorjongeren.nl/tips/ ! source

The deconstruction of the anatomy of culture and leadership in ballet – Positioning Ballet 2019

“Let’s imagine what ballet might look like if dancers had agency, and were expected to think critically, to question criteria and standards, and were asked to participate in finding solutions to problems in the system.” Theresa Ruth Howard during Positioning Ballet 2019 After posting a registration of this eloquent, honest, and enlightening keynote given by […]

Wat is het nut van cultuur?

Over de sociale en economische voordelen van cultuur Politici snijden weleens in de cultuuruitgaven. Erg jammer, want cultuur is superbelangrijk en niet enkel cultuurliefhebbers hebben er baat bij. Hoogleraar cultuurmanagement Annick Schramme (UAntwerpen) gaat dieper in op de verschillende facetten van cultuur en hun nut. Meer wetenschap? Check: Onze website! ► http://www.universiteitvanvlaanderen.be Twitter ► https://twitter.com/UniversiteitVL […]