RC Robot Car – RC Controls and Arduino

Learn how Radio Controllers work, see how we can add an Arduino to the picture, and then build a radio-controlled robot car!

Article with code: https://dronebotworkshop.com/radio-control-arduino-car
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Today, we will be using a Flysky FS-I6X, a very popular and inexpensive radio remote control transmitter with receiver.

I’ll show you the principles of this control, which is pretty well the same as any inexpensive 2.4 GHz unit. We’ll then hook it up to a few servo motors to see how it operates on its own.

But the real fun comes with attaching an Arduino to the receiver, and I’ll show you two ways of doing that.

The first way is to connect each channel’s output to an Arduino Uno and read the pulses generated by the receiver in response to the transmitter. It’s pretty simple, and it gets the job done.

But another way of doing this is to use the iBus serial interface. This lets us use only one wire to get all the data from the receiver.

We’ll then take what we have learned and build a cool little radio-controlled robot car! This little toy has two modes, normal driving mode and a “spin” mode as well.

Here is the table of contents for today’s video:

00:00 – Introduction
01:57 – How RC Controls Work
06:12 – Flysky FS-I6X
10:17 – Using a controller on its own
13:42 – Using a controller with Arduino
23:49 – Using iBus Output
29:23 – Build a Radio-Controlled Car
45:05 – Conclusion

As always, there is a corresponding article on the DroneBot Workshop website, where you can get all the code plus more information about using the Flysky FS-I6X with an Arduino.

Hope you enjoy the video!


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