Kche Baralla – Naaz, Amsterdams Andalusisch Orkest & Concertgebouworkest – Live at Concertgebouw

‘Kche baralla’ means ‘whore woman’ in Kurdish. Naaz rebranded it as rebel woman. A song about girls whose gender was prioritized over their freedom. They are a mountain; no amount of yelling could catch up to the echoes they cause. These girls are a kche baralla, a mountain, a shaach.

00:00 Instrumental
01:15 Naaz

Recorded: March 23, 2024 at The Concertgebouw in Amsterdam

Musicians: Naaz, Willem ’t Hart, Amsterdams Andalusisch Orkest & Members of the Concertgebouworkest
Video: Polycast
Audio recording: Da Capo
Audio: Roy van Rosendaal


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