'In Conversation with Professor Sherril Dodds' (Temple University, USA)

Our Guest Lecture Series 21-22 continued with an opportunity to meet with invited speaker Professor Sherril Dodds (Temple University, Philadelphia). In conversation with Dr Kathrina Farrugia-Kriel, Dodds spoke about her breaking practice, bringing questions of ageing and dance, as well as race, privilege, ethics, and belonging. This event will be of interest to those invested in ageing and dance, as well as practice as research and popular dance forms.

Professor Sherril Dodds is currently Graduate Programs Coordinator at Boyer College (Temple University, Philadelphia). Her research expertise centers on dance on screen, popular dance, and cultural theory approaches to dance. She is also an active b-girl in the Philadelphia breaking scene. She is currently Vice-President of Publications & Research for the Dance Studies Association. She is a founder member of the UK PoPMOVES research group, and initiated the SDHS Popular, Social and Vernacular Dance Working Group. Dodds was an Erasmus Visiting Lecturer at Trondheim University in Norway (2008-09), and Visiting Academic at the Centre for Cultural Research at Griffith University in Australia (2010). In 2014 she was a Distinguished Faculty member of the Mellon Summer Seminar: Dance Studies in/and the Humanities at Stanford University, and in 2017 she was a visiting scholar for the Choreomundus program at Blaise-Pascal University in France.


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