'In Conversation with Professor Emerita Lynn Garafola' (Barnard College, retired)

The final event in our Guest Lecture Series 21-22 featured invited speaker Professor Emerita Lynn Garafola. In conversation with Dr Kathrina Farrugia-Kriel on Wednesday 8 June, Garafola discussed her new book, La Nijinska: Choreographer of the Modern, published in 2022 by Oxford University Press. In this much awaited book, Garafola highlights the twentieth-century ballet’s premier female choreographer. Through Garafola’s masterful research, Nijinska’s career sheds new light on the modern history of ballet, recuperating the memory of lost works, forgotten artists (many of them women), and the barriers that women choreographers (still) confront.

Lynn Garafola is Professor Emerita of Dance at Barnard College, Columbia University (USA). A dance historian and critic, she is the author of Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes and Legacies of Twentieth-Century Dance, and the editor of several books, including The Diaries of Marius Petipa, André Levinson on Dance (with Joan Acocella), José Limón: An Unfinished Memoir, and The Ballets Russes and Its World. She has curated several exhibitions, including Dance for a City: Fifty Years of the New York City Ballet, New York Story: Jerome Robbins and His World, Diaghilev’s Theater of Marvels: The Ballets Russes and Its Aftermath, and, most recently, Arthur Mitchell: Harlem’s Ballet Trailblazer.


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