'In Conversation with Mike Fleming' (University of Durham, UK)

The speaker for the third event in the 2020-21 Guest Lecture Series, Mike Fleming, is Emeritus Professor of Education at the University of Durham. He spent five years as Director of the PGCE secondary course, five years as Director of Initial Teacher Training, and five years as Director of Research and as Director of Postgraduate Division. His research interests are in the area of the teaching of English and Drama, Aesthetics and Arts Education, and Intercultural Education. He has published thirteen books as well as a large number of papers and chapters in books. Several of these books are now into their third and fourth editions. He has also published a series of textbooks with his writing on drama and aesthetics being extremely influential both nationally and internationally. He has recently co-authored The Language Dimension in All Subjects for the Language Policy Division at the Council of Europe and his most recent single authored book published in 2012 is on The Arts in Education (Routledge).


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