Fuga de Flores (Flowers Escape) made for International Women's Day in Mexico

Fuga de Flores is a short documentary and a choreographic piece created in honour of the feminist movement in Mexico, that rejects violence and discrimination against women.

Danced by RAD students of Ballet Joven, choreographed by RAD Teacher Victoria Treviño, and filmed by UNAM students of Mexico City.

Fuga de Flores (Flowers Escape) was filmed on the streets of Mexico City and contains hard facts regarding the alarming statistics of femicides, harassment and fear that the women of Mexico live through.

Video production credits: Saraí Amaya, Rogelio Espinosa, Mariam Guerrero, Roció Pérez, Citlali Marín, José Roberto Sánchez, Alejandro Álvarez & Agni Garduño.


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