DB1 Episode 16 – Going Forward & I/O Documentation

The DB1 robot project has been on an (unexpected) hiatus for far too long. Today I’m resurrecting the project and will explain how we will be going forward. I’ll also show you the documentation for the I/O Distribution board.

Article & Documentation: https://dbot.ws/rbt016
More DB1 information: https://dronebotworkshop.com/build-a-real-robot/
Join the newsletter and keep in touch: https://dbot.ws/dbnews
Discuss DB1 and a lot more on the Forum: https://forum.dronebotworkshop.com/
Support DB1 & the DroneBot Workshop on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dronebotworkshop

I’d like to apologize for the lack of progress on this project recently, and I also want to assure you that DB1 is not dead. I’ve been overloaded with other work and responsibilities lately and unfortunately, the DB1 project had to be put aside for a while.

Upon reflection the “episode every Thursday” schedule is not realistic. With the other obligations I have, including trying to produce a “regular” DroneBot Workshop video and article every week, it simply isn’t possible to find time to work on this and also create an accompanying video and article.

So going forward I’ll be doing things a bit differently.

While I will still endeavor to get “regular” DroneBot Workshop episodes out every week (now on Sundays) I will be scaling back the frequency of the DB1 episodes. They will still be published on Thursdays, but not every Thursday. I’ll try and get them out every SECOND Thursday, but even that isn’t cast in stone.

Essentially I’ll have a video and article out every time there is some real progress on the project. This will ensure that I can put out a quality product with some useful information.

And speaking of information I have started creating documentation for the project. And today I’ll show you the documentation (REV1.0) for the I/O Distribution board. This documentation includes the schematic diagram, a list of connectors and their pinouts plus additional notes and information to make the job of building one yourself a lot easier.

I’ll be making one of these for every one of the boards used in the DB1 project. And you can get a copy of this one right now at https://dbot.ws/rbt016

I also have a “secret” that I let out today – I actually have a Patreon page. I haven’t formally launched this but already some of my more enthusiastic forum members have joined in. For those who join at the “Robotics Engineer” level, you can have access to the other documents as I create them before they are published.

Now I want to stress that Patreon support is entirely optional. I’ll stil be releasing all the documentation on my website, for everyone’s benefit. I don’t ever want you to feel obligated to support the workshop, but, of course, I’d appreciate it if you could.

So this is a bit of a different episode today. And moving forward I hope to present you with some quality content that will get the robot project rolling again.
Thanks for watching!



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