Crossing The Big Blue with Menno Van Loon – Travel Episode 164.

He quit his job as a Corporate Lawyer, brought a sailboat and single-handedly sailed it from Amsterdam in the Netherlands across the Atlantic, and then across the Pacific Ocean to Australia where he met our show host Mark Philpott.

In this episode, Menno Van Loon reflects on the decision of leaving behind the perceived safety of a regular job and heading off on a five-year adventure of a lifetime. We get up close and personal about Menno’s time aboard his boat, what every day was like, what route he took, and what encounters he had along the way.

What were some of the hardest moments?

What were some of the most pleasurable?

Now back in Amsterdam, Menno shares what it was like to readjust to “normal” life again, and what were the things he missed while away, and what he misses now that he is back “home”.

For anyone who dreams of a big adventure in life, and who wants a little ‘nudge’ to get started Menno shares some useful tips in this episode about how to get started, but more importantly ‘why’ you should do it.

The world’s biggest oceans may not be for everyone, but freedom is, and this is one man’s true story about leaving behind a routine life and taking on an adventure that soothes your soul and your mind.

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