DroneBot Workshop138 Videos


Arduino Touchscreen Display – Using a Resistive Touchscreen

Today we’ll learn how touchscreen displays work, both Resistive and Capacitive. We will also create a simple touchscreen interface using an inexpensive Arduino shield. Detailed Article with code – https://dbot.ws/tscreen1 More articles and tutorials at https://dronebotworkshop.com Join the newsletter – https://dbot.ws/dbnews Connect on the DroneBot Workshop Forums! – https://forum.dronebotworkshop.com Today we are back in the […]

The nRF24L01 – Wireless Joystick for Arduino Robot Car with nRF24L01+

Get all the code and more info about using the nRF24L01+ at https://dbot.ws/nrf24l01 For more information and other great projects and tutorials please visit https://dronebotworkshop.com/ . Let’s learn how to yue the nRF24L01+ radio modules! These inexpensive devices can add 2-way wireless communications capability to any Arduino project and once you understand how to work […]

Water Your Garden with IoT – Soil Moisture Sensors

Learn to use Soil Moisture Sensors with microcontrollers and build a Soil Moisture Meter and an automated watering system that uses the Arduino IoT Cloud! Article with code: https://dronebotworkshop.com/soil-moisture More articles and tutorials: https://dronebotworkshop.com Join the conversation on the forum: https://forum.dronebotworkshop.com Subscribe to the newsletter and stay in touch: https://dronebotworkshop.com/subscribe/ There are many methods of […]

74HC595 & 74HC165 Shift Registers with Arduino

Expand your Arduino with shift registers! Today I will show you how to use the 74HC595 and 74HC165 to increase your Arduino’s inputs and outputs so we can flash a bunch of LEDs. Article with all the code: https://dbot.ws/shift More articles and tutorials: https://dronebotworkshop.com Suggest new content and meet new people – join the forum: […]

Arduino IoT Cloud 2021 – Getting Started with Arduino & ESP32

Learn to use Arduino’s and ESP32 with the updated Arduino IoT Cloud. Article with code: https://dronebotworkshop.com/arduino-iot-cloud More articles and tutorials: https://dronebotworkshop.com Join the conversation on the forum: https://forum.dronebotworkshop.com Subscribe to the newsletter and stay in touch: https://dronebotworkshop.com/subscribe/ Talk on the forum about this video: https://forum.dronebotworkshop.com/2021/arduino-iot-cloud-2021-getting-started-with-arduino-esp32/ The Internet of Things (IoT) can add a lot of […]

Raspberry Pi Remote Camera with motionEyeOS – Build a Surveillance System

Detailed article for this video at https://dbot.ws/motioneyeos More tutorials and projects at https://dronebotworkshop.com Stay Informed! Join the DroneBotWorkshop Newsletter at https://dbot.ws/dbnews Today we are going to put together a very sophisticated motion-sensitive surveillance system using a Raspberry PI (any Raspberry Pi) and a free open-source product called motionEyeOS. Our cameras will have the following features: […]