DroneBot Workshop138 Videos


Water Your Garden with IoT – Soil Moisture Sensors

Learn to use Soil Moisture Sensors with microcontrollers and build a Soil Moisture Meter and an automated watering system that uses the Arduino IoT Cloud! Article with code: https://dronebotworkshop.com/soil-moisture More articles and tutorials: https://dronebotworkshop.com Join the conversation on the forum: https://forum.dronebotworkshop.com Subscribe to the newsletter and stay in touch: https://dronebotworkshop.com/subscribe/ There are many methods of […]

CircuitPython with Raspberry Pi Pico – Getting Started

Build a Keyboard and Mouse Emulator, make a rainbow with RGB LEDs, and work with a microSD card – all with CircuitPython on a Raspberry Pi Pico! Article with diagrams and code: http://bit.ly/picocp More articles and tutorials: https://dronebotworkshop.com Join the conversation on the forum: https://forum.dronebotworkshop.com Subscribe to the newsletter and stay in touch: https://dbot.ws/dbnews Discuss […]

Simple ESP32-CAM Object Detection

Train an ESP32-CAM for Object Detection using a free Edge Impulse account. All without writing any code! Article with full instructions: https://dronebotworkshop.com/esp32-object-detect More articles and tutorials: https://dronebotworkshop.com Join the conversation on the forum: https://forum.dronebotworkshop.com Subscribe to the newsletter and stay in touch: https://dronebotworkshop.com/subscribe/ Object Detection is a Machine Learning (ML) technique that uses a computer […]

Build a Custom Servo Motor with a DC Motor

Today I’ll convert a DC motor into a custom servo motor using a Seeeduino XIAO. Plus, we’ll learn about using PID controllers. This is a special project that I’m working on with Jeremy Fielding. You can check out Jeremy’s video here – https://youtu.be/1e5mLdjoKrc Article with all the code: https://dronebotworkshop.com/custom-servo-motor More articles and tutorials: https://dronebotworkshop.com Join […]

11 Great Projects from 2019 – A New Year in the Workshop!

Happy New Year from the DroneBot Workshop! Projects and tutorials at https://dronebotworkshop.com Join the newsletter – https://dbot.ws/dbnews Let’s chat on the forum at forum.dronebotworkshop.com Here is a selection of 11 projects and tutorials that I created in 2019, there should be something for everyone here. There are lessons on to making things move, big things […]