Global Citizen674 Videos


Fugees perform "Zealots" | Global Citizen Live

Legendary musical group performs “Zealots” at Global Citizen Live. Global Citizen Live calls for action to halt climate change and for wealthy countries to deliver on the $100B climate pledge, $6B for famine relief, and COVID-19 vaccine justice for all. On Sept. 25, 2021, over 60M COVID-19 vaccines, 157M trees, and more than US$1.1B in […]

A message from Strive Masiyiwa at GLOBAL CITIZEN LIVE

Global Citizen Live calls for action to halt climate change and for wealthy countries to deliver on the $100B climate pledge, $6B for famine relief, and COVID-19 vaccine justice for all. On Sept. 25, 2021, over 60M COVID-19 vaccines, 157M trees, and more than US$1.1B in commitments to climate, famine, and COVID-19 response efforts were […]