Global Citizen674 Videos


Fugees perform “Ready or Not” | Global Citizen Live

Legendary musical group performs “Ready or Not” at Global Citizen Live. Global Citizen Live calls for action to halt climate change and for wealthy countries to deliver on the $100B climate pledge, $6B for famine relief, and COVID-19 vaccine justice for all. On Sept. 25, 2021, over 60M COVID-19 vaccines, 157M trees, and more than […]

Fugees perform "Killing Me Softly" | Global Citizen Live

Legendary musical group performs “Killing Me Softly” at Global Citizen Live. Global Citizen Live calls for action to halt climate change and for wealthy countries to deliver on the $100B climate pledge, $6B for famine relief, and COVID-19 vaccine justice for all. On Sept. 25, 2021, over 60M COVID-19 vaccines, 157M trees, and more than […]

Fugees perform "Fu-Gee-La" | Global Citizen Live

Legendary musical group performs “Fu-Gee-La” at Global Citizen Live. Global Citizen Live calls for action to halt climate change and for wealthy countries to deliver on the $100B climate pledge, $6B for famine relief, and COVID-19 vaccine justice for all. On Sept. 25, 2021, over 60M COVID-19 vaccines, 157M trees, and more than US$1.1B in […]

Fugees perform "Cause and Effect" | Global Citizen Live

Legendary musical group performs “Cause and Effect” at Global Citizen Live. Global Citizen Live calls for action to halt climate change and for wealthy countries to deliver on the $100B climate pledge, $6B for famine relief, and COVID-19 vaccine justice for all. On Sept. 25, 2021, over 60M COVID-19 vaccines, 157M trees, and more than […]