After The Interval / Before The Interval – Double Bill (Teaser) | The Shows Must Go On

‘After the Interval’ (2012) and its sequel ‘Before the Interval’ (2014), conceived and directed by Luca Silvestrini for award-winning HeadSpaceDance are presented together for the first time giving you the chance to see them in their continuity.
‘After the Interval’ pins Silvestrini’s observational genius to satirising dancing life. A show about dance and dancers that opens with the performers’ curtain calls, who then answer audience questions, and continues with revivals of their past stage roles and steps. After the Interval brings to the fore the art of dance making and the backstage lives of dancers while celebrating Broom/Akrill’s 20 years joint career and the start of their company HeadSpaceDance.

‘Before the Interval’ imposed itself as the obvious title for this second commission in which Akrill, Goddard and Sveaas take Broom’s absence as a cue to promote their own talents as dancer-directors, projecting themselves into what their future selves could be. Using Silvestrini’s style of humorous, satirical dance theatre, they speak their thoughts about their potential careers, audience expectations and hold conversations as they simultaneously move.

“Funny and touching and very accessible, demystifying much of the jargon around ballet…”
★★★★ The Evening Standard on If Play is Play…

“Defying the odds with a philosophy and style of performance unlike any I’ve seen”
Judith Mackrell, The Guardian


‘After the Interval’ (2012):
Artistic Directors Christopher Akrill and Charlotte Broom
Conceived and directed by Luca Silvestrini
Devised and performed by Christopher Akrill, Charlotte Broom and Clemmie Sveaas
Music by Aphex Twin, Ross Aubrey, Johannes Brahms, Schnaftl Ufftschik
Sound engineering by Luca Silvestrini
Lighting by Simon Bennison
Design by Fabrice Serafino

Part of HeadSpaceDance’s Three & Four Quarters programme
Co-commissioned and co-produced by HeadSpaceDance and Royal Opera House
Production supported by DanceEast

World Premiere: Linbury Studio Theatre, Royal Opera House, London 7 September 2012

Filmed and edited by William Oldroyd and Louis Price

Film recorded without audience during a dress run at the Linbury Studio Theatre (September 2012) courtesy of ROH

‘Before the Interval’ (2014):
Artistic Directors Christopher Akrill and Charlotte Broom
Conceived and directed by Luca Silvestrini
Devised and performed by Christopher Akrill, Jonathan Goddard and Clemmie Sveaas
Music by Ross Aubrey, Pascal Comelade, Jonathan Dawe/Nick Powell/Sarah Willson (Oskar), Bill Frisell, Schaftl Ufftschik
Sound engineering by Luca Silvestrini
Lighting design by Simon Bennison
Costume design by Sabine Lemaître

Part of HeadSpaceDance’s If Play is Play… programme
Co-commissioned and co-produced by HeadSpaceDance and Royal Opera House
Presented by The Royal Ballet as part of the dance programme at the Linbury Studio Theatre

HeadSpaceDance Manager: Sarah Trist
Thanks to Moving East and Du Boisson Dance School

World Premiere: Linbury Studio Theatre, Royal Opera House, London 16 April 2014

Filmed and edited by Bennet Gartside

Film recorded during a public performance at the Linbury Studio Theatre (April 2014) courtesy of ROH

Photos by Urban Jörén
#HeadSpaceDance #CultureConnectsUs #AfterTheInterval #BeforeTheInterval #OnlineBroadcast #DanceOnline #ProteinDance


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