An interview with Raphael Ng | Why Dance Matters

Raphael Ng began his career in the ballet studio – only to leap effortlessly into high finance. Based in Singapore, Raphael threw himself into ballet, contemporary and Chinese dance, taking part in international shows and competitions – but when exploring how to manage his money as a student, he caught an excitement for the financial world. Now a fund manager, he discusses the invaluable transferrable skills of dance training – and why, having co-founded a school teaching RAD ballet in Singapore, dance retains a special place in his heart.

Raphael Ng is Fund Manager at Salzworth Global Currency Fund. Born in Hong Kong, he grew up in Singapore. His parents were both dancers; he studied RAD ballet, going on to perform and take part in competitions in Europe and Australia. At Singapore Management University (SMU) he studied information systems management; he took part in dance competitions and the inaugural Youth Olympic Games in Singapore in 2010. His finance career began at Credit Suisse, and he joined Salzworth in 2019. He co-founded Jeté Studios in Singapore, led by RAD Registered teachers.

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