LED Displays with Arduino – 7-Segment & Dot-Matrix

Use both 7-segment and dot-matrix LED displays with an Arduino.

Article with code: https://dronebotworkshop.com/led-displays/
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Yes I know they have been around for over half a century, but LED displays are still a great choice for a number of applications. They are inexpensive and have great visibility and durability.

Today we will be working with both 7-segment and dot-matrix LED displays, in single and multiple modules. I’ll show you a number of different configurations of LED displays and how to wire them up and code for them.

I’ll be using an Arduino Uno for all the experiments, however, the information is equally applicable to just about any microcontroller.

Here is the Table of Contents for today’s video:

00:00 – Introduction
01:34 – LED Displays
07:37 – Single 7-Segment Display
15:37 – Multiple 7-Segment Displays
24:27 – MAX7219 8-Character 7-Segment Display
32:41 – Dot-Matrix Display Module
42:57 – Conclusion

If you need the code I used in the examples, just check out the article on the DroneBot Workshop website at https://dronebotworkshop.com/led-displays/

Hope this video lights up your life!




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