Our destiny on earth – Documentary 10 – Mahler Festival Online

In six songs, inspired by old Chinese poetry, Mahler travels through life. And in the last glorious ‘Abschied’ his hero returns tot he place where his journey began. He is united with nature. ‘And not for the first time, I didn’t want a Mahler piece to end. I was singing “ewig, ewig”. And if I could, I would be still singing it now’ – baritone Roderick Williams.

A story told by Mahler scholar Morten Solvik, baritones Roderick Williams and Thomas Hampson, soprano Jessye Norman and granddaughter Marina Mahler.

This documentary is made possible by the Mahler Foundation and is part of Mahler Festival Online. The documentary will premiere this Sunday at 8 PM. After the documentary you can enjoy Das Lied von der Erde played by the Concertgebouworkest, conducted by Fabio Luisi



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