
First and Reprise of Dancing Queen | Mamma Mia

You can dance, you can jive! Here are the two performances of the instantly iconic and catchy Dancing Queen from Mamma Mia Watch Here!: https://www.uphe.com/movies/mamma-mia-the-movie Welcome to The Shows Must Go On the channel bringing you showtunes, backstage access and full performances from some of the best loved musicals in history! Featuring the best performances […]

Bestaan bijna-doodervaringen echt?

Mensen die aan het nippertje ontsnappen aan de dood, na een zwaar ongeval bijvoorbeeld, vertellen wel eens over het licht dat ze zagen aan het einde van een donkere tunnel. Of ze herinneren zich dat ze tijdens een operatie uit hun lichaam traden en van bovenaf konden zien hoe chirurgen bezig waren met hun leven […]

Elaine Paige – 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina' | EVITA

Watch the full show: https://www.uphe.com/movies/andrew-lloyd-webber-the-royal-albert-hall-celebration Elaine Paige brings the house down with her rendition of the Evita showstopper ‘Don’t Cry For Me Argentina’, and reprises the role she originated in 1978. From Andrew Lloyd Webber: The Royal Albert Hall Celebration – A celebratory tribute to musical compositions of Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, live from the […]

Pulse: when ballet meets AI – Watch the Trailer Here | Dutch National Opera

What happens when artificial intelligence takes the stage in ballet? Can AI transform the world of dance? And what can a choreographer create with the power of AI? These intriguing questions are being explored in Pulse by the Utrecht Innovation:Lab โ€“ in collaboration with consultancy boutique &samhoud โ€“ and choreographer Peter Leung. Technical development – […]