🎧 Waren neanderthalers echt zo dom?
Neanderthalers waren harig, barbaars, onderontwikkeld. Dat is ongeveer hoe wij over ze denken. En ‘wij’ dat zijn dan de ‘homo … source
The Making Of The Phantom Of The Opera (2004)
Featuring interviews from Andrew Lloyd Webber, Joel Schumacher and stars Gerard Butler, Emmy Rossum and Patrick Wilson! Welcome to The Shows Must Go On the channel bringing you showtunes, backstage access and full performances from some of the best loved musicals in history! Featuring the best performances from musical theatre and beyond! Subscribe for more […]
Matilda Lloyd | Rising Star interview
In this Rising Star interview, trumpet player Matilda Lloyd talks about how she discovered the trumpet, what she does before the concert starts and how she can whistle without anyone seeing it. More Matilda: https://www.instagram.com/matildalloydtrumpet/ Each year the European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO) selects a group of outstanding artists to become its Rising Stars. The […]
Sào Soulez Larivière | Rising Star interview
In this Rising Star interview, violist Sào Soulez Larivière talks about his love for fast vehicles and efficient public transport. More Sao: https://www.instagram.com/sao.lariviere_violist/ Each year the European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO) selects a group of outstanding artists to become its Rising Stars. The selected Rising Stars are touring across Europe, performing their dream programs on […]