
Dove Cameron and Kristin Chenoweth’s Most Show-Stopping Moments | Hairspray Live!

Broadway Legend Kristin Chenoweth and Dove Cameron are the ultimate villains as they portrayed the iconic mother-daughter twosome, Amber and Velma Von Tussle for Hairspray Live! Name a more iconic duo. We’ll wait… From Hairspray Live (2016): Hairspray Live! tells the inspiring story of Tracy Turnblad (newcomer Maddie Baillio), a plump teen in 1962 Baltimore […]

Dorian – a mix of ballet and hiphop by Ernst Meisner and Marco Gerris | Dutch National Ballet

Following the successes of Narnia and GRIMM, Dorian (14+) is the third joint production by choreographers Ernst Meisner and Marco Gerris. For their adaptation of The Picture of Dorian Gray, the famous book by Oscar Wilde from 1891, the two choreographers have opted for a thriller-like approach, filled with tension and suspense, for adults and adolescents. This time, dancers from Dutch National Ballet will also be […]

The Showstopping ‘You Can’t Stop the Beat’ (Ariana Grande, Dove Cameron) #shorts | Hairspray Live!

Grab the hairspray and dance your hearts out to this empowering rendition of ‘You Can’t Stop the Beat’ from “Hairspray Live!”, featuring Ariana Grande, Dove Cameron, Jennifer Hudson, Derek Hough & more! Donate to these worthwhile arts causes: UK: http://actingforothers.co.uk/ US: https://broadwaycares.org/ Australia: https://www.actorsbenevolentfund.org.au/ Donate to NHS Charities COVID19 Appeal: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fund/NHSCharitiesCOVID19 Welcome to The Shows […]

Koffie is dus écht gezond voor je

Naar de invloed van koffie op je gezondheid is ontzettend veel onderzoek gedaan. Bijna altijd vinden wetenschappers positieve effecten. Met drie tot vier kopjes koffie per dag kun je bijvoorbeeld je risico op sommige soorten kanker verkleinen. En je wordt er actiever van, waardoor je fitter blijft. Maar: die gezondheidseffecten treden niet bij álle soorten […]