
‘He’s The Wizard’ 💚 Amber Riley Brings The Wizardry In This Amazing Performance! #shorts | The Wiz

Amber Riley brings the wizardry in this amazing performance! Donate to these worthwhile arts causes: UK: http://actingforothers.co.uk/ US: https://broadwaycares.org/ Australia: https://www.actorsbenevolentfund.org.au/ Donate to NHS Charities COVID19 Appeal: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fund/NHSCharitiesCOVID19 Welcome to The Shows Must Go On the channel bringing you showtunes, backstage access and full performances from some of the best loved musicals in history! Featuring […]

Dit saaie plantje gaat de wereld redden…

Het is misschien wel het saaiste plantje van de oceaan: zeegras. Toch is onterecht, volgens marinebioloog Fee Smulders van de Wageningen Universiteit. Het zeegras verdwijnt in rap tempo en dat heeft grote gevolgen, voor mens en dier. Doordat zeegras zo snel verdwijnt, komen vissen en zeeschildpadden in gevaar en ben jij bij een heftige storm […]

The Phantom Of The Opera: Nothing But The Classics | The Phantom of the Opera

Step into a world of haunting melodies and gothic allure as we present to you this thematic compilation, where we delve into the timeless allure of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s timeless musical, “The Phantom of the Opera.” Donate to these worthwhile arts causes: UK: http://actingforothers.co.uk/ US: https://broadwaycares.org/ Australia: https://www.actorsbenevolentfund.org.au/ Donate to NHS Charities COVID19 Appeal: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fund/NHSCharitiesCOVID19 […]