
The Most Beautiful Songs From Evita: A Timeless Masterpiece | Evita

Immerse yourself in the timeless masterpiece of “Evita” with this soul-stirring compilation of the most beautiful songs that have graced the stage and touched hearts around the world. 🎶✨ Donate to these worthwhile arts causes: UK: http://actingforothers.co.uk/ US: https://broadwaycares.org/ Australia: https://www.actorsbenevolentfund.org.au/ Donate to NHS Charities COVID19 Appeal: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fund/NHSCharitiesCOVID19 Welcome to The Shows Must Go On […]

Swan Lake with Olga Smirnova, Constantine Allen and Corps de Ballet | Dutch National Ballet

Big, full-length classical ballets form an essential part of Dutch National Ballet’s repertoire. Over the past sixty years, the company has presented many successful international productions, but has also produced its own interpretations of the classics. One of the most important milestones along the way was Rudi van Dantzig’s Swan Lake from 1988, which is […]

The Prince of Egypt | Behind-the-Scenes Featurette

Take a look Behind the Scenes at the filming of the epic #PrinceofEgyptMusical, from London’s West End. “You’re getting close-up to the action. You will feel the heartbeats of the dancers. You will hear every note crystal clear” – Step into the captivating world of the #PrinceofEgyptMusical , as we hear from the cast and […]

Komt de nieuwe Einstein uit Nederland?

Alles wat op aarde gebeurt heeft te maken met natuurkrachten, dat een gebouw niet uit elkaar valt of jij niet door de lucht zweeft. Eerder toonden wetenschappers aan dat er 4 natuurkrachten zijn. Maar Jacco de Vries van de Universiteit Maastricht is bezig met een baanbrekend onderzoek naar de 5de natuurkracht, deze kracht zou mogelijk […]