
An interview with Mitchell Rayner | Why Dance Matters

‘Living in the movement’ is the motto of Australian Royal Academy of Dance teacher Mitchell Rayner. Enjoying and fully inhabiting your movement is a fantastic goal for anyone in dance. Mitchell came to dance training relatively late but progressed quickly, joining the Australian Ballet. He retired from the company in 2016, and re-trained as a […]

An interview with Raphael Ng | Why Dance Matters

Raphael Ng began his career in the ballet studio – only to leap effortlessly into high finance. Based in Singapore, Raphael threw himself into ballet, contemporary and Chinese dance, taking part in international shows and competitions – but when exploring how to manage his money as a student, he caught an excitement for the financial […]

An interview with Wayne McGregor | Why Dance Matters

Wayne McGregor, one of the world’s leading choreographers, is an ideas man who makes abstract thought into thrillingly visceral dance. His collaborations are prodigious – from his own contemporary dancers to the world’s great ballet companies, and in film, fashion and more. He discusses his latest premiere for the Royal Ballet, his programme for the […]