
How Citi Foundation's Global Innovation Challenge Is Fighting Hunger | Global Citizen Festival 2023

The Citi Foundation’s Global Innovation Challenge was launched to help scale the impact of nonprofits around the world that are developing innovative solutions to improve food security. Find out more from Global Citizen Festival in New York City’s Central Park on Sept. 23, 2023. _____________________________________________________________________ Global Citizen is a social action platform for a global […]

Amina Mohammed Calls for Urgent Action on Climate & Gender Equity | Global Citizen Festival 2023

Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Amina Mohammed calls for the urgent action needed to achieve the UN’s Global Goals (a.k.a. Sustainable Development Goals) — specifically the goals for climate action and gender equality — at Global Citizen Festival in New York City’s Central Park on Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023. _____________________________________________________________________ Global Citizen is a […]

Singer Jung Kook Performs BTS Song ‘Euphoria’ | Global Citizen Festival 2023

South Korean singer Jung Kook takes the stage for his first solo performance at a music festival with the BTS song “Euphoria” from the compilation album “Love Yourself: Answer” live at Global Citizen Festival in New York City’s Central Park on Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023. _____________________________________________________________________ Global Citizen is a social action platform for a […]

Jung Kook Addresses a Crowd of Action-Taking Global Citizens | Global Citizen Festival 2023

Jung Kook takes a moment during his set to speak to the crowd of 60,000 Global Citizens gathered at New York City’s Central Park for Global Citizen Festival on Sept. 23, 2023. _____________________________________________________________________ Global Citizen is a social action platform for a global generation that aims to solve the world’s biggest challenges. On our platform, […]

Wat zegt je poep over je persoonlijkheid?

Wat zegt jouw poep over je persoonlijkheid? Neuro- en voedingswetenschapper Sophie van Zonneveld van het UMC Groningen doet daar onderzoek naar. Op Lowlands verzamelt ze de poep en persoonlijkheidstesten van honderden festivalgangers. Zo probeert ze te achterhalen of bepaalde bacteriën in je darmen samenhangen met persoonlijkheidskenmerken. Misschien wordt het zo wel mogelijk om vroegtijdig psychische […]