
The Soulful ‘I Know Where I’ve Been’ (Jennifer Hudson) #shorts | Hairspray Live!

Enjoy Jennifer Hudson performing this star-studded number of Hairspray’s, ‘I Know Where I’ve Been’, in this live television rendition of the show! Donate to these worthwhile arts causes: UK: http://actingforothers.co.uk/ US: https://broadwaycares.org/ Australia: https://www.actorsbenevolentfund.org.au/ Donate to NHS Charities COVID19 Appeal: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fund/NHSCharitiesCOVID19 Welcome to The Shows Must Go On the channel bringing you showtunes, backstage access […]

Onkruid is juist hartstikke goed

Onkruid zijn alle planten die groeien waar we dat niet willen, maar we kunnen we ze meestal best laten staan. Onkruid kan juist goed zijn voor verkoeling, bemesting en biodiversiteit in je tuin. In deze aflevering van de Werkplaats vertelt bioloog Nienke Beets (Universiteit Leiden & Hortus Botanicus Leiden) je wat de voordelen zijn van […]

The Mesmerising ‘Skimbleshanks The Railway Cat’ (Geoffrey Garratt) #shorts | CATS the Musical

Watch Geoffrey Garratt as he gets ready for the first train’s arrival, as he prances around the stage as Skimbleshanks The Cat of The Railway. Donate to these worthwhile arts causes: UK: http://actingforothers.co.uk/ US: https://broadwaycares.org/ Australia: https://www.actorsbenevolentfund.org.au/ Donate to NHS Charities COVID19 Appeal: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fund/NHSCharitiesCOVID19 Welcome to The Shows Must Go On the channel bringing you […]

Jeangu Macrooy & Jazz Orchestra of The Concertgebouw – Grandma’s Hands – Concertgebouw Sessions

Jeangu Macrooy and Jazz Orchestra of The Concertgebouw took over the Recital Hall for a tribute to Bill Withers in the Concertgebouw Sessions. On August 12 they’ll take it to our Main Hall for a tribute concert. Tickets: https://www.concertgebouw.nl/concerten/2621643-lean-on-me-a-tribute-to-bill-withers-met-jeangu-macrooy CREDITS: Video: Lawrence Lee Kalkman – Rauwkost Film Audio: Roel Pothoven Productie: Iris van der Valk […]