
High Flying Adored (Antonio Banderas) | EVITA

Antonio Banderas reprises his role of Che live from the Royal Albert Hall as he sings High Flying Adored from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s hit musical, Evita! From Andrew Lloyd Webber: The Royal Albert Hall Celebration – A celebratory tribute to musical compositions of Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, live from the Royal Albert Hall. Featuring hits […]

Waarom zijn alle wereldkaarten fout?

De Aarde ziet er in het echt helemaal anders uit dan op wereldkaarten. De Democratische Republiek Congo is eigenlijk even groot als heel West-Europa en Rusland is maar net iets groter dan de helft van Afrika. Waarom passen ze die kaarten dan niet aan? Het antwoord op die vraag komt van de wiskunde. Meer bepaald […]

Chorus, soloists and dancers [trailer] | Dutch National Opera & Ballet

The Chorus of Dutch National Opera and the dancers of Dutch National Ballet are combining. Led by choreographer and director Christian Spuck, they share the stage with four soloists, accompanied by the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. In his interpretation of Verdi’s Messa da Requiem, Spuck brings together vocal music and dance with great virtuosity, in poetically […]

Christophe Dumaux sings Empio, diro, tu sei in Giulio Cesare | Dutch National Opera

You are evil! Get out of my sight!” By the sound of it, Giulio Cesare – sung by counter tenor Christophe Dumaux – is not too pleased with Tolomeo’s welcome gift to him. What he got? The severed head of his political rival! 🤯 https://www.operaballet.nl/en/dutch-national-opera/2022-2023/giulio-cesare PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Opera in three acts Sung in Italian Libretto […]