
Pieter Derks over treinreizen

Vliegen is de meest beroerde manier van reizen die er is. Vliegen is op z’n allerbest een noodzakelijk kwaad om van A totaal uitgewrongen naar B te komen. Wat mij betreft zou in naam van de volksgezondheid, het klimaat en de voedselveiligheid dan ook een heel simpele maatregel getroffen moeten worden: het moet verboden worden […]

New Moves 2022 [New choreographic talent] | Dutch National Ballet

New creations are the ‘lifeblood’ of every dance company, in the opinion of Ted Brandsen, director of Dutch National Ballet. So since he took the helm in 2003, the company has organised New Moves, an annual event in which dancers of Dutch National Ballet can develop and present their choreographic talents. Due to the corona […]

‘Six’ with the London Musical Theatre Orchestra | SIX The Musical

Watch the the Queens of SIX perform with the London Musical Theatre Orchestra to celebrate SIX’s Tony Award Nominations! Donate to these worthwhile arts causes: UK: http://actingforothers.co.uk/ US: https://broadwaycares.org/ Australia: https://www.actorsbenevolentfund.org.au/ Donate to NHS Charities COVID19 Appeal: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fund/NHSCharitiesCOVID19 Welcome to The Shows Must Go On the channel bringing you showtunes, backstage access and full performances […]