
Use Your Voice to Stand Up for Ukraine

Join artists, activists, and global citizens as we come together on April 8 to rally around world leaders making funding commitments for world leaders. Learn more at ForUkraine.com. _____________________________________________________________________ Global Citizen is a social action platform for a global generation that aims to solve the world’s biggest challenges. On our platform, you can learn about […]

Prime Minister of Malta Commits to Health Access for Ukrainian Refugees | Stand Up for Ukraine

Malta committed 50,000 euros in health access for Ukrainian refugees via a UN agency in a country neighboring Ukraine, with a promise for further funding during the year. Global Citizen understands this is a reallocation of Malta’s ODA budget and urges Malta, and all countries, to maintain essential overseas development assistance to countries around the […]

Ben jij een digitale dinosaurus?

Zie jij de bomen door het grote mediabos nog? Is je smartphone een verlengstuk van je arm? Doe jij alles online? Of heb je het gevoel dat je niet meer mee bent? De digitale wereld evolueert razendsnel, dat staat vast. Prof. dr. Ilse Mariën is expert digitale ongelijkheid aan de VUB en komt je vertellen […]