
Ekiti State Government Commits to Environmental Protection

In Nigeria’s Ekiti State, harmful deforestation practices have impacted the lives of the state’s more than 2 million people who rely on subsistence farming to feed their families. Last year Global Citizens and campaign partners united in taking action to defend the planet and defeat poverty, through September’s Global Citizen Live campaign. During the event […]

Pieter Derks over de grillen van de wereldmarkt

Het was een treurig beeld. De werknemers tegenover de activisten in het Sterrebos. Twee totaal machteloze partijen slim tegen elkaar uitgespeeld. Eigenlijk hebben het Sterrebos en de werknemers hetzelfde probleem. Ze zijn overgeleverd aan de onberekenbare grillen van de wereldmarkt. Mijn column voor De Nieuws BV op NPO Radio 1. #Sterrebos #VDL #column #denieuwsbv #nporadio1 […]

Global Citizen Explains | How Can a New Vaccine Be Created in 100 Days?

Many experts are aiming to create an effective vaccine for the next pandemic within 100 days, which could save countless lives. But there are three important factors in making that happen. Disclosure: This series was made possible with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Each piece was produced with full editorial independence. _____________________________________________________________________ […]