
Dutch National Opera Studio Auditions – Dutch National Opera

The Dutch National Opera Studio, founded in 2018, is a young artists programme in The Netherlands, with international renowned soprano Rosemary Joshua as its artistic leader. SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOBDutch Dutch National Opera Studio offers an exciting opportunity for outstanding young artists. The Studio’s goal is to develop well-rounded […]

Sabrina and Idris Elba’s trip to rural Sierra Leone to see how agriculture can transform Africa

Idris and Sabrina Elba, are calling on world leaders to significantly increase their investments for farmers all over the world to combat the impact of climate shocks, build the capacity of communities to withstand changing weather patterns, and increase production for nutritious food. Watch their visit to a rural community in Sierra Leone where they […]

Waarom word je sneller ziek als je te zwaar bent?

We weten allemaal dat het niet gezond is: overgewicht. Toch zijn er steeds meer mensen met obesitas en dat brengt risico’s met zich mee. Zo ben je kwetsbaarder voor ziektes. Maar waarom drukken die extra kilo’s zo zwaar op je gezondheid? Moleculair bioloog Xanthe van Dierendonck (Wageningen Universiteit) legt het uit. Meer wetenschap? Check: Podcast […]